All S … Wanna be a smarter WII games player? Right now my Dolphin Emulator saves in the Documents folder on my C drive (my internal hard drive) I have all of my emulators and roms on a separate external drive, that way I can easily bring the stuff with me if I'm going somewhere where I'll have my laptop or access to some other computer, but not my desktop.

Wii Game Save File (North America) From GeorgeGX64 ( 750KB) SNCE - 100% Complete. Dolphin allows you to save up to 10 different save states. Use it to overwrite on top of the original SYSCONF file in \nand\shared2\sys\ (under NAND tools' working directory). Navigate to that path on your Android device. Are you in? Nope, they are absolutely free! Do you love to play popular GameCube or Wii games but don’t own a Wii or GameCube console? Help Us, Help You! Cookies help us deliver our Services. :), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the DolphinEmulator community. Wii Channels Compatibility List This is the main list of Wii Channels available for the Wii video game system, organized alphabetically by their localized English titles or, when Japan-exclusive, their rōmaji transliterations. \u0026hosted_button_id=6DF2Q8TR5FB3EUdemy CouponsHere are coupons for all of my udemy courses:-Blockchain \u0026 Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Ethereum) - (Ethereum, Blockchain) Programming - Bird SFML Clone - Cocos2d-x - SFML - Game Development - WebVR (Virtual Reality) - OpenGL - 4 - Programming - AngularJS - Programming - Bird Cocos2d-x Clone - JS Game Development - Programming - Programming - all new courses feel free to ask for a coupon, enjoy.If you like this stuff, as always, show the love through comments, likes, favorites, subscriptions, etc. Finally, place everything from inside \nand\ into the \Wii\ subdirectory. It should be located within SD Card Root\private\wii\title\ and in one of the folders located there, there should be a data.bin file. This will work on Windows and Linux (as of 5.0-148 ). Is there a way I can set the save location to a new folder on my external drive? Wii Game Save File (Europe) From ZeoKnight ( 750KB) SNCP - 100% Complete.