Even when people think they are centered, they usually have drifted a few CM at least.

This is because the HUD would be stuck to your view wherever you are, and would only line up with where you are supposed to shoot when you were perfectly centered in your seat, or right after you recenter.

The cockpits would need to be slightly reworked to have the targeting reticle added in. We use the sensors in your phone for head tracking to give you an awesome VR gaming experience with a wallet friendly price tag. Just thought of something else with 6DoF. TrinusVR connects your iPhone to your PC, so you can play your favourite PC games in virtual reality (VR). Note that the license is per PC (Windows installation). Once purchased, activate the license key via Trinus CB VR PC server application. OpenTrack settings: Input: UDP over Network (Ports are correct and the IP is set to my local IP in Freepie IMU). However people should also remember that XWA is not 3D, you would need to tack some frame switching code to render 1 frame where it is, then 1 frame 5cm to the right/left and keep switching.The post-process would need to frame double to each eye, again sphere-mapped.However, I would not suggest 6dof with 3d as it will look wrong as soon as you move, 3D would be 2dof only, which I think would be fine anyway.Trev. Trinus CB VR let’s you connect your Android device to your PC and enjoy your favourite games Please try Trinus for free before purchasing to ensure it is fully compatible with your system. Trinus VR sensor mode is FTNoIR/OT Redirect. To be honest, 2dof is better than nothing.You could set a really wide resolution and high FOV angle then as someone stated above, post-process the output into the VR headset.Alternativly you can get 'some' 6dof by taking the output and sphere-mapping it.Then you could move your head within the sphere (1m dia) and see a slightly different perspective.